Anthonys London to Brighton Bike Ride

Total raised


Offline: £1,000.00
With Gift Aid: £2,521.25

Page created by
Natasha Hoarau on 10/07/2014

I am taking part in the London to Brighton bike ride in the hope that I can raise some money to help the British heart foundation raise awareness and fund research. I have chosen to support the British heart foundation because of the recent passing of Bob Crow who was an extraordinary father and role model to me.


  • £1,000.00
    Jimmy Knapp Cancer Fund

    Well done Anthony on completing the cycle ride

  • £20.00
    Mr Michael Smith

    Well done Anthony, a very worthwhile cause. Best wishes, Michael S

  • £85.00
    Ms Nicola Hoarau

    Well done Anthony £80.00 Given to me by some RMT Regional council members on Saturday £5 from Del Marr - well done Anthony

  • £10.00
    Mrs Karen Skelly

    Well done! Karen Skelly

  • £50.00
    Mr Bill Welch

    Well done Anthony - Great effort and well done for raising loads of money for a tremendous cause!

In memory of

Bob Crow


Anthony Hoarau

Anthony Hoarau