Anthonys London to Brighton Bike Ride

Total raised


Offline: £1,000.00
With Gift Aid: £2,521.25

Page created by
Natasha Hoarau on 10/07/2014

I am taking part in the London to Brighton bike ride in the hope that I can raise some money to help the British heart foundation raise awareness and fund research. I have chosen to support the British heart foundation because of the recent passing of Bob Crow who was an extraordinary father and role model to me.


  • £20.00
    Mr Andrew Warnock-Smith

    Best of luck such a worthy cause in memory of an inspirational man.

  • £50.00
    Mr John Hendy QC

    Good luck Anthony

  • £10.00
    Mr Tony Hodges

    I also lost my dad to heart disease, and just like your dad, he was too young. Good luck all the way Anthony.

  • £50.00
    Mr Peter Hendy

    Well done and good luck!

  • £20.00
    Mr Phil Talbot

    Respect to you and your family

In memory of

Bob Crow


Anthony Hoarau

Anthony Hoarau