Anthonys London to Brighton Bike Ride

Total raised


Offline: £1,000.00
With Gift Aid: £2,521.25

Page created by
Natasha Hoarau on 10/07/2014

I am taking part in the London to Brighton bike ride in the hope that I can raise some money to help the British heart foundation raise awareness and fund research. I have chosen to support the British heart foundation because of the recent passing of Bob Crow who was an extraordinary father and role model to me.


  • £10.00
    Mr martin chase

    I to had a heart attack and survived, well done to you young man,your father will never be forgotten.

  • £10.00
    Mr john day

  • £20.00
    Mr Peter McGovern

    Sorry for your loss. Bob was and still is an inspiration. Good luck with the cycling.

  • £10.00
    Mr Graham Barrow

    I too lost my Father earlier this year. I feel your loss.

  • £10.00
    Mr David Edwards

    I wish you every success in your venture it is a honour to donate , sorry it's not a huge amount. But towards something that is in memory of the great man who has influenced the whole trade union movement Best wishes Dave Edwards

In memory of

Bob Crow


Anthony Hoarau

Anthony Hoarau