Cheryl Tyson Rainford 10K

Total raised


Offline: £102.00
With Gift Aid: £412.00

Target: £300.00

Page created by
Cheryl Tyson on 25/08/2014

Due to personal circumstances, I am now unable to run the half marathon as originally planned, as I have not had enough time to train. Unfortunately, this has been out of my control and it was a hard decision to make. However, I am still determined to raise money for this charity and hope you can help by sponsoring me. I will be running the Rainford 10K on Sunday 5th October to raise money for the Harry Dubois Gift of Hope Fund. Any donation will be greatly appreciated. Thank you x


  • £5.00
    Miss bernice & ellen atherton

  • £15.00
    Mr jennifer Tyson

    good luck jen& jim

  • £5.00
    Miss Maria wall

    Good luck ! You'll be fab xx

  • £5.00
    Mr Steve Furlong

  • £5.00
    Mr Ian Walsh

In memory of

Harry Dubois