Crazy Cuts For BHF

Total raised


Offline: £10.00
With Gift Aid: £298.75

Target: £150.00

Page created by
Al Beazley on 13/04/2020

Thank you to all that have Donated, the cut is done and Pictures are Below.
Well Done Damo looking good.

Due to the current COVID-19 lock down, most of us haven't been able to get a haircut.
So in the finest tradition of Britishness lets make do and cut our own hair....But lets make it a' Crazy Cut' and get family and friends to sponsor it..

I'm going for the full 'Marler MOHICAN'.
Damo Roberts is going for a 'complete Shave'

If you want to join us let me know and i will add details we will need
'Before and After' Photos and type of cut.

This is happening Saturday 18th April 2020

I will film my cut and post on FB. So feel free to join me and Damo, this Saturday and get that haircut you always dreamed of lol. Or sponsor us a couple of Quid to live the dream for you.

Please be aware,below is an image of Jonathon in whose memory, along with memories of other friends and family we are doing this. X

Thank you

Al Beazley & Damo Roberts x


  • £20.00


  • £5.00

    Proud of you both

  • £10.00
    Emily E

    For Jonathan <3

  • £30.00
    Nick Harley


  • £20.00
    Olly Tee

    Well done lads

In memory of

Jonathan 'PJ' Harley


Joe Marler..... for those that were wondering

Joe Marler..... for those that were wondering

Damo After

Damo After
well Done to Damo braving the shave.

Damo Before the Complete Shave

Damo Before the Complete Shave
Heres an end to Moroccan Sunset

Al Before the Mohican

Al Before the Mohican
Anyone else noticed i'm going a little Grey.

Al After

Al After
well done Tracey you rocked the clippers