Emily and Stacey's non stop 100km trek

Total raised


Offline: £175.00
With Gift Aid: £1,613.10

Target: £800.00

Page created by
Emily Small on 08/02/2020

*****Hi all. Here we are a year into the pandemic and with last years walk put on hold the current plan is the walk will take place (fingers crossed) on the 10th and 11th of July. Our training plan is very much in place and while at the moment we are unable, due to lockdown to go particular far hopefully things are getting better and we can start clocking the miles. Fundraising for this event maybe tricky as events we would normally hold cannot take place but if we can get a couple of things in the diary then we will. Stay safe everyone.
Much love Emily and Stacey *****

Stacey came up with this one!
We are taking part in the Dixons carphone Race to the Stones 100km starting at Lewknor in Oxfordshire, venturing onto the North Wessex downs finally ending some hours later in Avebury and thanks to Stace we are doing it non stop!
It's been a while since we last took to foot for some training so it'll be good to get our walking boots back on and OS map back out to explore the countryside.
The training plan is in place and it'll be hard fitting in some of the longer routes while working weekends but we are up for the challenge!


  • A gift
    Sarah R

    Well done ladies! 🙌

  • £200.00
    Hobbs House Bakery

    Well done, absolutely fantastic effort, now you can relax with a large slice of cake

  • £50.00
    cash donation

    from Mum Sian Dee and Nick.

  • £20.62
    Sarah Millin

    Go girls, you have got this x

  • £15.00
    Carol Potts

    Good luck Emily & Stacey, you will smash it 💪xxx

In memory of

Jimmy Small


It's all about the planning

It's all about the planning
When we are not out walking due to working hours, time is not wasted as I have spent the morning finalising our walks for the next 11 weeks.

Well we are not going to lose Stace dressed like that!

Warm day!

Warm day!
Resting in the shade on our 27mile training session in very hot weather!