Hayley's English Channel Solo 2019

Total raised


With Gift Aid: £9,348.86

Target: £5,000.00

Page created by
Helen and Hayley on 09/03/2019

Our sister Heather was just 36 when she died from a heart condition we knew nothing about. It should have been a routine operation and it’s a phone call I will never forget.

Swimming became a place where I could talk to her as if she could hear me. Our 2-person English Channel Relay in 2017 was amazing and within a couple of months I was booked to go again, this time Solo. If the Great British weather is kind to me, I will swim sometime between 22-30th June 2019 to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation.

Losing Heather left me disconnected and threw me off balance. In my mind she will be forever young, fun loving, kind, giving and someone who I shared the longest running jokes with. She was my baby sister, and she can never be replaced.

All I can do now is to continue to support the FIGHT for a world without heartbreak. Thank you so much for your donation. It helps me to live with this ‘new sense of normal’ and be the best wife, sister, aunty, great aunty and friend I can be.

Pariter.In Aeternum.Quocumque


  • £20.00

    Brilliant as always xx

  • £92.50
    Amanda B

  • £100.00
    Helen and Phil

    Has to be done! So proud of you! All the things we have achieved in a relatively short time - who'da thought!??? 😁

  • £95.00

    That was just incredible and no doubt has inspired many others to get their backsides of the sofa and start raising money for good causes

  • £50.00
    Sue Daley

    Well I told everyone else to do it!!! Well done Hayley!

In memory of

Heather Johnson
