Horner Downey Fundraising

Total raised


Offline: £103.00
With Gift Aid: £1,048.69

Page created by
Mark Rogers on 06/02/2015

Throughout the year Horner Downey's staff will complete activities and challenges to raise funds.


  • £10.00
    Mrs Rebecca Rogers

    Well Done Mark. Love Ann & Geoff Barclay

  • £10.00
    Mrs Rebecca Rogers

    Good Effort Mark. Love Jess & Chris

  • £10.00
    Mrs Rebecca rogers

    Good Luck. Love Grandma Barclay

  • £20.00
    Mrs Rebecca Rogers

    Well Done Mark & Everyone at Horner Downey. Love Ian & Deb Barclay

  • £20.00
    Mr Mark Roberts

In memory of

Katie Wright