Brooklyn Half Marathon 2016

Total raised


Offline: £40.00
With Gift Aid: £1,470.00

Page created by
Jonathan Comfort on 29/03/2016

Myself, Sam, Phez, Tommy and Meredith will be running the Brooklyn, New York Half marathon on the 21st May, we will be running for the British Heart Foundation and in memory of my older brother Tom Comfort.
Any donations would be greatly appreciated.
Any donation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


  • £10.00

    Good Luck Meredith

  • £10.00
    Mr Nicholas Blamire-Brown

    Good Luck

  • £50.00
    Mr Colin Noble

    I'll double it if you do it three-legged!

  • £20.00
    Mrs Christine Seton

  • £50.00
    Miss Megann Looker

    Go Phez

In memory of

Thomas Comfort