Hope the show

Total raised


Offline: £1,919.98
With Gift Aid: £2,768.73

Page created by
Mario Dubois on 15/08/2014

HOPE, the show, created by 17 year old Craig Johnson leading a newly formed youth production company and inspired by Harry's story. - First performance at The Gulbenkian Theatre, University of Kent at Canterbury, Sunday 14th September, 2014. Other dates to follow.


  • £5.00
    Callum Mankelow

    I really enjoyed the experience and being part of the Hope cast.

  • £10.00
    Mrs Hudson

  • £5.00
    Tina and Lewis Philpott-Wright

    Loved every minute of the show

  • £20.00
    Annie and Craig Johnson

    Thoroughly enjoyed working on the show and performing!

  • £40.00
    Pip the Magic Clown (Carol)

    Takings from making animal balloons on Hope Show night! I hope it helps to raise awareness of cardiac risk in the young.

In memory of

Harry Dubois