Paul Thomas BUPA Great Manchester Run

Total raised


Offline: £20.00
With Gift Aid: £2,082.50

Target: £500.00

Page created by
Sandra Thomas on 09/04/2014

I am running in memory of my niece Katie Wright. Any donations to support Katie's Fund for the British Heart Foundation would be greatly appreciated.


  • £5.00
    Mr Mark Rogers

    Hope you make it!

  • £20.00
    Mr Roman Lecki

    Is this run wise for a man of your advanced years. Good luck Budgie

  • £200.00
    Mr Luke Windsor

    Good luck for the day from all at RJW

  • £10.00
    Mr Ted Atkinson

  • £50.00
    Mr Andy McCombe

    God luck Paul, proud of you

In memory of

Katie Wright