Running for Katie - Bupa Great Manchester Run 2013

Total raised


Offline: £130.00
With Gift Aid: £2,525.00

Target: £500.00

Page created by
Debra Wright on 14/03/2013

On 26 May 2013 Debra & Ian Wright, Sandra & Matthew Thomas & Ian Hunter will be taking part in the Bupa Great Manchester Run to celebrate the life of Katie, a wonderful daughter, niece and cousin who is missed so much.

Katie was beautiful inside and out with her radiant smile and heart of gold. Not a day goes by without us thinking about her.

We would like to raise as much as possible for the Katie Wright Gift of Hope Fund set up in Katie's memory which supports the work of the British Heart Foundation.

Thank you for visiting our page. Your donations are greatly appreciated.


  • £100.00
    Mr Paul Thomas

    Good luck everyone x

  • £20.00
    Miss Elizabeth Hurst

    Good luck to everyone. Love, Elizabeth and John x

  • £10.00
    Miss Annie Wilde

    Good luck x

  • £10.00
    David Wright

    Good Luck. Taid x

  • £100.00
    Glenys Jones

    Good Luck. So proud of you all. Nan x

In memory of

Katie Wright