Alma Doreen Williams

Total raised


Offline: £25.00
With Gift Aid: £169.25

Page created by
lesley medcraft on 27/02/2019

In loving memory of a wonderful and caring Mum, Nanny and Great-Nanny who was an inspiration to us all. Alma had lived with heart failure for many years and the British Heart Foundation was one of her chosen charities. After her passing, generous family and friends donated in her memory and so we have opened this Gift of Hope page so that the current and future donations can be passed on in her loving memory.


  • A gift
    Justin and Sarah medcraft

  • £113.00
    Donations Collected at Funeral - 08-02-19

    The donations given on the day of Alma's funeral were collected, totalled and split over two of Alma's favourite charities. Thank You xxx

  • £25.00
    Michael & Marilyn Westbrook

    Thank you both for donating in Alma's memory.

  • £150.00
    Donations from Funeral 08.02.2019

    The donations given on the day of Alma's funeral were collected, totalled and split over two of Alma's favourite charities. Thank You xxx

Events in memory

There are no events set up yet
