Ande Stitt

Total raised


Offline: £375.00
With Gift Aid: £913.75

Page created by
alec gregg on 30/01/2019

In memory of Ande Stitt. A great friend, father and partner. Loved by many, missed by all who knew him. Please donate to help ensure others don't suffer a similar fate.


  • A gift

    My lovely mate, will miss our chats and giggles xxx

  • £20.00

    Lost for words, gone far too soon x

  • £20.00

    I'll miss you always my gentle, funny, smart, chatty friend. You'll stay close in my heart forever x

  • £50.00
    Dennis, Val & Sally Wotton and Elizabeth & Brian Frisby

    Taken too soon. You will be missed. Love from Uncle Dennis and Auntie Val, Sally and Elizabeth & Brian. xx

  • A gift

    Such a lovely guy - you'll be seriously and forever missed mate xx

Events in memory

There are no events set up yet
