David Adrian Jones

Total raised


Offline: £30.00
With Gift Aid: £2,548.29

Page created by
Beverley Jones on 16/12/2021

Adrian wasn’t only my husband but my best friend, comrade in arms and confidante.
He was the love of my life for the last 40 years.

He was a placid, peaceful, calm man. A total gentle giant who loved his daughters and grandchildren with all of his heart.

He had major heart surgery five years ago and recovered really well. After his surgery he wanted to give back to BHF for all the help he had received. He completed some charity events and was preparing to volunteer for the BHF shops when Covid hit. In his younger days he competed in the local BHF bike ride for a few years.

It’s a charity that has always meant a lot to us because of family members who had suffered from heart disease.


  • £50.00

    The girls and I missed you at the wedding.

  • £30.00
    Mr & Mrs Richards

  • £51.55
    Debra and Owen

    We always have very fond memories of Adrian, a lovely gentle man.

  • £135.00
    Various people

    A big thank you to everyone who gave me cash donations in memory of Adrian.

  • £15.00

    RIP big man!

Events in memory