Ernest Thompson

Total raised


With Gift Aid: £225.36

Page created by
Daniel Thompson on 18/09/2024

Dad, Grandad, Great Grandad & Friend to all...

Tall, dark, strong and very chilled. He was know for his talent under the bonnet and over the coal fire. A seasonal traveller, toppled with a tip of Jamaican Rum.


  • £150.36
    Funeral collection

    Thank you to those who kindly donated at Ernest's funeral, family appreciate their kindness.

  • £50.00
    Spanish Dan and Maria's friends

    In loving memory of Ernest, we made this donation. May this contribution help bring hope and healing to others.

  • £20.00
    Rachel and Darren

    Will be raising a glass of rum in honour of the lovely Ernest. Sending love to you all

Events in memory