Daniel Dunmill | Insight Systems

Total raised


Offline: £10,955.80
With Gift Aid: £18,476.04

Page created by
Ellen McCulloch on 15/12/2016

Over the years, Insight Systems has been involved in various fundraisers for the British Heart Foundation including the London to Brighton and London to Southend bike rides.

With this in mind, Insight Systems have no hesitation when deciding to support this very worthy cause.

We all take for granted, without a second thought, that our hearts pump away doing the job they are meant to do but unfortunately, and sometimes without warning, this isn't the case. Having witnessed first-hand the devastation and unimaginable pain that is left on a family when a loved one suddenly loses their life in this way, makes you determined to want to highlight and support any research that can be done to maybe prevent this in the future.

My nephew, Daniel Dunmill, who in his short life spent his time helping others suddenly, without warning or symptoms, collapsed and died one week before his 21st birthday from a condition called Aorta Dissection.

In honour of Daniel and on behalf of his heartbroken parents Mark and Dawn, brother Adam and along with other families who have suffered a loss, we will be proud to work in partnership with the British Heart Foundation.


  • £3,617.00
    Insight Systems

    London Marathon Fundraising

  • £1,405.00
    Insight Systems

    #BHF100k Challenge

  • £350.00
    Insight Systems

    Cake Bake

  • £1,000.00
    Ellen McCulloch

    Insight Systems

  • £0.00
    Corporate Donation

Events in memory
