Janet Goodsell

Total raised


Offline: £60.00
With Gift Aid: £923.72

Page created by
Stephen Goodsell on 11/03/2024

Janet (Jan) was someone that everyone would want as their friend. Janet possessed all of the human qualities that we all aspire for. She was kind, loving, loyal and fun to be with. A wonderful Mother, Grandmother, Wife...a beautiful soul.

Janet had an exceptionally warm and kind heart. She loved to help others wherever she could, be they family, friends, Tesco colleagues, and even strangers she met whilst out walking and travelling. Losing our wonderful Janet so suddenly has been a massive shock and has devastated all who were lucky enough to know her. We all love and miss her terribly. x


  • £35.00
    Monies raised by Jackie Goodsell

    Jackie has been making wonderful crochet items which have been sold to raise money in jans memory. Xxx

  • £90.00
    Anonymous donations at Janet's service

    Thank you so much to those who donated to BHF at Janet's service. Her family are so grateful for your generosity. xxx

  • £10.00
    Kylie Hilson

    I was shocked & sad to hear of your passing Janet. We shared many moments chatting & talking "shop"!! My condolences to your family RIP xx

  • £30.00
    Christine Pettit

  • £20.00

    So many happy memories, RIP Jan

Events in memory
