Jimmy Small

Total raised


Offline: £224.50
With Gift Aid: £4,953.82

Page created by
Emily Small on 30/06/2018

This page is for Dad. The man who was quite literally the best man on this planet. July 2012 our world came crashing down as he was cruelly taken from us at the too young age of 59. He suffered a massive heart attack that sadly was too much for his body to recover from. As the years have passed there has been a lot of activity from Dad's side of the family in heart health terms and it has been discovered there is a gene issue with several uncles and cousin having issues and treatment. Dad's mum also died young at 62 with heart problems. So this brings us to The BHF. This isn't just about raising money but also raising awareness. Lets get talking about heart health. But first and foremost this page is our nod to Dad. Recognising the man he was and everything he did for us as we grew up. The many hours he would spend sat in the horsebox waiting for us to return with the horses from a fun ride, always having a cheese roll and cup of tea waiting for us. Teaching us to drive and never ever losing his temper with us even when we struggled with frustration. Our weekly Thursday night trip to Morrisons. Getting to out with Dad for the day on the buses or even the lorry when he worked at Lux. He was the most patient man and rarely lost his temper even when we did push our luck. He worked so hard to make sure we were always provided for and often came to the rescue when a car broke down....or even ran out of petrol (yes that may of happened more than once!). he'd nearly always wait up for us when we had been on a night out, especially for Stacey (I sensed some favouritism there :-) ) which always made us laugh. There are so many happy memories to share and there's too much for this one page so for now lets just at Jimmy you were friggin awesome!


  • £30.00

    Thank you!

  • £196.00
    Cakes & bakes 1

    Monies raised from cake sale 30th June 2018.

Events in memory
