John William Drake

Total raised


With Gift Aid: £577.61

Target: £500.00

Page created by
Ollie Drake on 19/12/2018

Our beloved Grandad John sadly passed away on 27th November 2018 aged 83. This incredible man survived two heart attacks and a double heart bypass throughout his life..what a strong inspirational man! I’d love to raise £500 for the British Heart Foundation, Grandad had the best treatment and this is how we got so many of our best years out of him and enjoying him every day. Love always Ollie x


  • £10.00
    David Adam

    RIP John, was a pleasure to have known you, sleep well.

  • £20.09
    Chris & Angie Tebbit

    RIP John - fond memories of a real village character ❤️

  • £20.00
    Gary Lander

  • £10.00
    Jason Clark

    A pleasure to have known John.

  • £10.00
    Adam Saunders

    A great man, and a great course.

Events in memory

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