Katie Wright

Total raised


Offline: £30,421.90
With Gift Aid: £50,273.96

Page created by
Debra Wright on 16/11/2010

Welcome to the Gift of Hope Heart Fund which has been set up in memory of Katie. This fund has been set up to raise money for the British Heart Foundation to help them in their fight against heart disease. I hope you can join me in fundraising for the nations heart charity nobody is doing more than the BHF to keep the nations hearts beating. Please make an online donation if you can. Thank you.


  • A gift
    Mrs Gwenda Hassall

    Happy birthday to Jean Welsh on her 59 + 1 birthday.Love Gwen & Tony xx

  • A gift
    Mr Arthur Mackrell

    Jean Welsh - Happy 60th.

  • A gift
    Ms Chris Welsh

    Thanks to jean welsh for her wish of donations to her chosen charities instead of a gift for herself . as always thinking of others first :>) HAPPY BIG 60TH BIRTHDAY JEAN. From the other Welsh,es. xx

  • A gift
    Ms Mandy Williams

    Happy birthday Katie, missing you always, love Kaylee xxx

  • A gift
    Mrs Debra Wright

    Thinking of you on your birthday and always. Love Taid x

Events in memory

America 2010

Emma & Katie

Debra, Emma & Katie

Emma & Katie