Maxwell Cay

Total raised


Offline: £50.00
With Gift Aid: £5,042.26

Target: £1,000.00

Page created by
Gillian Cay on 22/12/2022

Maxwell sadly passed away of heart failure on 10 December 2022. He was 16 years old and in S5 at Lenzie Academy. Such a big mischievous personality, he leaves a huge hole in the lives of his family and friends. A gifted sportsman, Maxwell very quickly became a district level swimmer, a national level water polo player and a member of the Scottish Saltires. Maxwell also played tennis at Lenzie Tennis Club. He was the U16 Junior Champion in 2021 and contributed to the U16 team winning the District League this year. Maxwell's heart attack was largely unexplained, so this page has been created for donations to be made in his memory to fund research into teenage heart problems.


  • A gift
    Lynne, Raymond and Alex MacIntyre

    In memory of your wonderful boy Maxwell. x

  • £50.00
    Helen Donaldson & family

    Our deepest condolences for the loss of your lovely boy.

  • £789.00
    Collection at Maxwell's Funeral

    We are so grateful for generous donations to the British Heart Foundation at Maxwell's funeral.

  • A gift
    The Anderson Family

    Our thoughts are with you. Maxwell will always be an inspiration to others.

  • A gift
    Sarah Aitken

    Rest in peace my friend. I will treasure our happy memories together forever ❤️

Events in memory
