Peter Jaques

Total raised


With Gift Aid: £607.97

Page created by
Karen Crook on 06/07/2024

A life-long sportsman who loved nothing more than spending time with his family.

A dedicated physical education teacher who introduced students to a wide variety of sports during lessons and extra-curricular activities, he spent his spare time refereeing basketball matches, including at an international level. On retirement from teaching he took up golf, playing until he was almost 80 - this was, in part, possible due to the excellent care he received from the NHS, including being fitted with a pacemaker following diagnosis of a heart condition over 15 years ago. After finally retiring from active sport, he continued to contribute to and represent a number of different sporting organisations (from local clubs through to national governing bodies) until his health meant he had to slow down. He sadly passed away aged 87 on 18 June 2024, hanging up his whistle for the final time.


  • A gift

  • A gift
    Don Wellman

    A great colleague and friend who always set the highest standards and gave his time willingly to help others.

  • £50.00
    Sue and Pete Sexton

    Rest in peace Peter. It's been an absolute pleasure getting to know you at family gatherings.

  • £50.00
    Mike and Ann Howarth

    Thank you for playing such a significant part in both our lives and giving us so many happy memories.

  • £20.00
    Em and Ryan

    In memory of Peter xx

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