Thomas Comfort

Total raised


Offline: £19,580.09
With Gift Aid: £30,527.34

Page created by
Stewart Comfort on 06/07/2010

Welcome to the Gift of Hope Heart Fund which has been set up in memory of our lovely son, brother and friend, Thomas Comfort. This fund has been set up to raise money for the British Heart Foundation to help them in their fight against heart disease.In particular Tom's fund will support research into congenital heart conditions such as his. 


  • £10.00
    Mr Stewart Comfort

    Always in our hearts Tom, impossible to forget that smile! All our love, Mum, Dad, Jonny and Matt xxxx

  • £100.00
    Nether Whitacre Methodist Church

    A warm thank you to all the members of the Church that kindly contributed at the recent coffee morning

  • £50.00
    Mr & Mrs Leslie Foulger

  • £30.00
    Mr David Senior

    Well done Stu: a triumph of mind over unwilling matter.

  • £5.00
    Mrs Elizabeth Bland

    Hope the bike ride went well and you've made a speedy recovery from any aches and pains!

Events in memory