Thomas Comfort

Total raised


Offline: £19,580.09
With Gift Aid: £30,527.34

Page created by
Stewart Comfort on 06/07/2010

Welcome to the Gift of Hope Heart Fund which has been set up in memory of our lovely son, brother and friend, Thomas Comfort. This fund has been set up to raise money for the British Heart Foundation to help them in their fight against heart disease.In particular Tom's fund will support research into congenital heart conditions such as his. 


  • £10.00
    Mrs Joanne Jones

    Hope the bike ride went well Stewart and you're not aching too much! Hope you raise lots of money for a great cause and a great person - Tom is always in our minds.

  • £20.00
    Ms Deborah Parker

    Well done Stew ! You're a lot fitter than me !

  • £25.00
    Mr Pete Flint

    Well done Stewart.

  • £10.00
    Mr Norman Archer

    Forever in our hearts Tom. Such a special person lost to us. The world is a worse place without you in it.

  • £560.00
    Mr Stewart Comfort

    A fantastic amount raised at your birthday cricket match, Tom. Huge thankyous to all our family and friends for their amazing support. We shall always remember you and the sunshine you brought to all of our lives. Happy 26th birthday, with all our love.

Events in memory