Thomas Comfort

Total raised


Offline: £19,580.09
With Gift Aid: £30,527.34

Page created by
Stewart Comfort on 06/07/2010

Welcome to the Gift of Hope Heart Fund which has been set up in memory of our lovely son, brother and friend, Thomas Comfort. This fund has been set up to raise money for the British Heart Foundation to help them in their fight against heart disease.In particular Tom's fund will support research into congenital heart conditions such as his. 


  • £50.00
    John & Gill Truman

  • £20.00
    Mandy, Tony and Kaden xx

    God Bless Tom xx

  • £1,600.00
    All your family and friends

    Remembering you with love,Tom,at your memorial cricket match on the weekend of your 34th Birthday. Love always Mum, Dad, Jonny and Matt xx

  • £4,291.66
    Alex Warner

    Raised by completing the Everest Mountain

  • £20.00
    Lisa Mitchell

    Thinking of you all today and hope you've managed to get some good cricket in despite the weather.

Events in memory