Thomas Comfort

Total raised


Offline: £19,580.09
With Gift Aid: £30,527.34

Page created by
Stewart Comfort on 06/07/2010

Welcome to the Gift of Hope Heart Fund which has been set up in memory of our lovely son, brother and friend, Thomas Comfort. This fund has been set up to raise money for the British Heart Foundation to help them in their fight against heart disease.In particular Tom's fund will support research into congenital heart conditions such as his. 


  • £100.00
    Mal, Helen, Jamie and Kate Pulford

    Thinking of you all at this time. Will miss getting together. Donation in lieu of 2 of Big Col’s fruit cakes (Tom would laugh at the auction

  • £20.00
    John and Claire Richards

  • £25.00
    Nick and Jan Blamire-Brown

    We are sorry the cricket match could not take place this year but you all remain in our thoughts at this time.

  • £20.00
    Mandy Ingleby

    In loving memory of Tom xx.

  • £10.00
    Karen & Steve Smith

Events in memory