Harry Dubois fundraising

Total raised


Offline: £6,475.46
With Gift Aid: £52,200.69

Target: £60,000.00

Page created by
Mario Dubois on 20/04/2014

What did they love most?

Harry was passionate about music, musicals, concerts and drama. He was in many school productions and put everything into his performances.

How would you describe them?

Harry was the sweetest, kindest, most caring boy you could meet. He was a wonderfully positive ,sensitive person who was loved by so many.

Thank you for visiting my Gift of Hope tribute fund.

This special fund will help raise vital funds for the British Heart Foundation. The BHF is the nation's heart charity, dedicated to saving lives through pioneering research, patient care and by providing vital information. It would be amazing if we could raise lots of money to help them continue their essential work. If you are a UK taxpayer you can add 25% to your donation at no extra cost to you by simply ticking the Gift Aid box when you donate.

Thank you again.


  • £38.85
    Mrs Brenda Howcroft

    In the Songs of Praise office on BBC bake sale day I baked a cake and made greetings cards in lieu of donations to this deserving cause. So sorry for your loss; Harry was clearly quite a character ...and reading the many tributes a credit to you all. Brenda Howcroft x

  • £502.71
    Mr Andrew Snowdon

    On behalf of all your friends and colleagues across MediaCItyUK with our sincerest best wishes.

  • £20.00
    Miss Paulette Evans

    My thoughts and prayers continue to be with your family.

  • £10.00
    Ms Kath Shackleton

    So sorry to hear of your loss Mario. Sending lots of love to you and your family Love Kath, Zane and Evie xxx

  • £20.00
    Mr Alistair Hughes

    With best wishes.

Events in memory


Best of luck with the golf day and dinner. Such a great cause for a wonderful young man x

Liz Campion

Harry you were always so kind, considerate, special, warm and joyful. So privileged to have known you, your appreciative smile is cemented in the memory of those you met forever. John Lucy Wilson

Lucy Wilson

Handsome,loving,caring, all of these and more don't come close to describing our beautiful boy. Everyone who met him knew he was special. Deb,MarioEmily should feel proud. Grandma Granddad Gidley.

Tom and Margaret Gidley