Mark Rickhuss

Total raised


Offline: £1,000.00
With Gift Aid: £2,733.58

Target: £2,055.00

Page created by
Steven Sander on 06/02/2008

This is a Gift of Hope Fund established in memory of Mark Rickhuss to accompany the documentary, Two Swimmers (

If you would like to donate in association with Mark's family then please give through the Gift of Hope Fund created by Aaron and George and Joanne Rickhuss, which can be found here:


  • £20.00
    Mr Carl Richards

    Please may I have a copy of the Two Swimmers DVD

  • £20.00
    Mr Patrick Douglas

  • £30.00
    Mr Mike Lott

  • £20.00
    Ms Selin Pekcan

    Hello, Is it true that we can get a copy of the DVD of Two Swimmers?

  • £20.00
    Mr Beano Moran

Events in memory

There are no events set up yet