Wear It Red / Ibrox Bucket Collection

Total raised


With Gift Aid: £2,081.08

Target: £500.00

Page created by
Andy McKay on 09/02/2024

On the 23rd February staff at the HF Group will Wear It Red for the BHF, also on the 24th February we will be completing a bucket collection at Ibrox football stadium, a massive thanks to all for your support, hopefully the sun shines on the 24th.
Andy McKay


  • £373.83

    Funds raised from the bucket collection at the HF Group offices on 23.02.24 and the BRSC supporters bus on the 24.02.24, massive thanks !

  • £55.00
    Ross Hepburn

  • £20.00
    Gran Rena

    Well done everyone ❤️

  • £5.00
    Scott @ Ibrox

  • £10.31
    Jonathan Ring

    Amazing Charity, well done for the excellent work Andy

In memory of

Jenna McKay