Alan Saggy Sagrott

Total raised


Offline: £2,159.00
With Gift Aid: £3,479.00

Target: £5,000.00

Page created by
Charles Lankfer on 17/06/2024

Saggy was a one off, a devoted family man to wife Sarah, son Daniel and daughter Lucy and wherever he went he just wanted to entertain and make everyone laugh, loved his sport including hockey, golf and the mighty Gills.

Saggy had a career in the RAF and made lifelong friends through that, the RAF gave him the opportunity to travel the world mainly playing sport and running the bars, I'm sure there was some work done as well!! Saggy joined Pelicans Hockey Club in the 80's and soon became 1st team GK, and as his hockey career was ending he took the pads off and played up front and scored many a goal from a few yards out, Saggy was not only a player, captain, umpire but also Club Chairman and Vice President. If Saggy wasn't playing hockey he could be found playing golf which he enjoyed and for those that play at Swaffham can give him a nod as they past his bush 30 yards from the tee on the 9th hole which he often found himself in.Saggy always wanted to entertain whether that was singing Sweet Caroline, or playing the part of Paul Hollywood's double, even switching on the Christmas lights in is home town of Swaffham with a certain MP we won't name. He had a dressing up box for every occasion and enjoyed presenting you with a piece of his signatory lemon drizzle cake once met never forgotten.Along with being a natural entertainer he was a devoted family man, His son Daniel from his 1st marriage followed in his dads footsteps both through joining the RAF and his love of hockey which made Saggy very proud. Saggy met his 2nd wife Sarah through hockey, set up home in Swaffham and they were inseparable and their daughter Lucy followed Saggy's footsteps and is a very good goalkeeper. Daniel and his family moved to Australia in early 2023 with a once in a life time opportunity to join the Australian RAF, Saggy was obviously worried his son and family were going to settle the other side of the world but also very very proud of what he had achieved and knew it was the right move to make.Saggy loved organising hockey tours whether it be to RAF Laabruch, Southampton or more recently the annual Pelicans Masters pilgrimage to Belper where many a laugh was had and many stories and memories to keep.Wherever Saggy went or whoever he met he made friends for life and all have stories to tell of something he had done and missed by all who had the pleasure of meeting him


  • £1,320.00
    Pelican Hockey Club

    Donation proceeds following the annual golf day 2024.

Events in memory
