Ben Meadowcroft

Total raised


Offline: £50.00
With Gift Aid: £4,964.46

Page created by
Natascha Lloyd on 11/03/2024

Ben was a wonderful father, a loving husband and a loyal brother and friend. He was extremely funny and always knew how to make a room feel lighter.

Ben brought fun to every gathering, and a gentle kindness to every relationship he shared. His great talent as an illustrator and graphic artist was appreciated by everyone who worked with him, or saw his drawings, cards, t-shirts and books.
He will be missed by so many, now that he has been taken away from us far too soon. Our great sadness and unimaginable loss has been made easier to bear by the huge support that our family has received. We hope that by giving to the British Heart Foundation, other families may not have to go through what we are suffering. The BHF funds research as well as helping people in times of great need. Ben would have been proud to see his name associated with a charity that makes a difference to so many. We are proud to remember a fabulous man, who will be forever in our hearts.


  • A gift
    Andy and Lindsay

    Sending so much love to you all.

  • A gift
    Hilly, Tara & Gracie

    Benny was the gentlest, funniest, kindest person imaginable x

  • A gift

  • A gift
    Moyra snd Ollie

    Natascha, Abbie and Joseph, You did Ben so proud at the funeral. We are here for you xxx

  • A gift

Events in memory

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