Chris Johnson

Total raised


With Gift Aid: £912.50

Page created by
Steve Johnson on 23/01/2024

We raise money in memory of Chris every year and donate to the British Heart Foundation.

Chris had a smile for everyone and always helped out where he could. He is very much missed but remembered with love and happiness, we are lucky to have so many great memories with him.


  • £20.00
    Stuart and Mary

    Sorry we can't be there but as always, with fond memories of Chris.

  • £10.00
    Mary C

    In loving memory of Chris

  • £20.00
    Hayley & Damien

    Well done again and here's to a bucket for Ken!

  • £100.00
    Ken & Barbara

    In memory of Chris❤️ Mum and Dad

Events in memory

There are no events set up yet