Craig Drummond

Total raised


With Gift Aid: £1,283.66

Page created by
George Drummond on 25/07/2024

My wife, Jane gave birth to our first son, Craig which was the happiest day of our lives, We had been married for five years and we were looking forward to the family life ahead of us.

Craig was born with no complications and was a picture of health. After six weeks, a murmur was detected in Craig's heart. We were told this could be a hole in his heart. Although we were concerned, we found comfort in knowing that people like Asa Hartford who played football for Manchester City at the time, lived with this condition and enjoyed a full and active life.After a series of tests, it was found that Craig was born with a single left ventricle in his heart, which meant that he needed to have a Pulmonary Artery Banding (PAB) procedure to assist his heart condition. We were later informed that there was no treatment available to mend Craig's heart and that we should consider taking him home to care for him. This news was given to us on the Friday and Craig died on the Sunday. It was 21st February 1982. He was just 16 months old. We went from the happiest days of our lives to the darkest moments imaginable. Soon after Craig's death, the Minister of our local church asked me if I'd like to join the local British Heart Foundation committee in Kirkcaldy which he was a member of. I joined willingly and eventually became Chairman as I felt so passionately about raising funds in Craig's memory and received great comfort in working with our fundraising group. Whilst our committee size dwindled and eventually folded, I worked latterly as a volunteer still with a passion to raise funds in memory of Craig. What motivates me is that at one of my fund raising events, a guest shared their story of his son who survived the same condition that Craig died from. No words can describe how it made me feel to learn that after all these years, something could now be done, thanks to the research carried out by the British Heart Foundation.We now have two wonderful sons, Gary and Ross, who are married and have gifted us with four beautiful grandchildren. We are a complete family and Craig will always be part of our lives as he has been since he was born.


  • £150.00
    Moira & Joe

  • £10.00

  • £150.00
    jim drummond

    and i slept on the floor

  • £100.00
    Bob and Mary Drummond

    Feel your pain. Experienced similar circumstances

  • £50.00
    The Robinsons

    So thankful for our time together in Canada at such a beautiful Lodge. You, Jane ,Craig, Ross and Gary will always be cherished family. xxx

Events in memory

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