Eleni Karayianna

Total raised


With Gift Aid: £301.10

Page created by
Elena Nicola on 18/06/2024

Mum, Yiayia (Yiayia-Yiayia), Auntie, Friend, Eleni had many roles in the world. She was strong, caring, compassionate, loving, and extremely resilient independent woman. Leaving a massive hole in the world and our hearts

Our lives go on without you
But nothing is the same,
We have to hide our heartaches
When someone speaks your name.
Sad are the hearts that love you
Silent the tears that fall,
Living our hearts without you
Is the hardest part of all.
You did so many things for us
Your heart was kind and true,
And when we needed someone
We could always count on you.
The special years will not return
When we were all together,
But with the love within our hearts
You will walk with us forever.

Whilst she loved flowers, a donation to The British Heart foundation can give hope and support to other families, just like she had.

With love xxx


  • £20.00
    Jennifer de Koningh

    Lovely lady, rest in peace. XX

  • £30.00
    Krete and Stuart

    RIP lovely lady x x

  • £20.00
    Amanings x

  • £10.00
    Anna Xherri and family

    Thinking of you all.

  • £50.00
    Ashley and Bluebell

Events in memory

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