Fred Peskett

Total raised


With Gift Aid: £258.79

Page created by
Derek Smith on 20/04/2023

Fred was one of the founding members of The Festival of Britain Society and his enthusiasm and drive has seen the Society thrive for over 30 years. He was very generous with his time and knowledge, and if Fred didn't know the answer to a question he always knew someone who did. His knowledge about all things Festival lent gravitas to our efforts and opened doors that might have otherwise have remained closed to us Festival ‘cranks’. Until illness prevented it, he was a delight to talk to at our get-togethers.
Fred's knowledge on other subjects including the Crystal Palace and the British Empire Exhibition among others was all embracing, and in typical Fred style he loved to share the information and his research.
He will be much missed by us all, both for his friendship and his ability to inspire.


  • £10.00
    Jonathan Tubbs

    My father was architect of the Dome of Discovery and we owe huge thanks and gratitude to Fred for his tireless dedication to the FOB. Thanks

  • £20.00
    Derek Smith

    For Fred, a good friend and fellow festivaler

  • £50.00
    Festival of Britain Society

    With our greatest respect to Fred for everyting he has done for the Society and keeping the spirit of 1951 alive.

Events in memory

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