Maurizio Aurino

Total raised


Offline: £90.00
With Gift Aid: £4,347.89

Page created by
Isabella Aurino on 27/09/2024

Maurizio was the heart and soul of the party. During his lifetime he had two heart attacks, this is the reason why we have selected British Heart Foundation

Maurizio truly was one of a kind. He would do absolutely anything to help people and bring a smile to their faces. He cared deeply about all of his family and always put them before himself. He was happiest when on the beach, with his family, or when eating a Neapolitan pizza. He loved having fun and could find enjoyment in everything he did. We have chosen the British Heart Foundation to help other people who suffer from heart disease, and we hope that your kind donations can contribute towards saving lives in the future. We all have so many incredible memories with Maurizio, and we know that anyone reading this who knew him will have many moments where he, too, brought you joy and laughter. There will only ever be one Maurizio Aurino, and he will always be missed by so many.


  • A gift
    Chiara Francesco Irene ed Emma

    Lasci un vuoto incolmabile, ma anche tanti ricordi meravigliosi. Con i tuoi sorrisi e la tua positività contaggiavi tutti. Ciao guaglió

  • A gift
    Emanuele Aurino

    Ciao zio.

  • £20.00
    Max Edwards

    What a lovely man, was very kind to me will cherish the memories I have of him from my teenage years. Will miss his opinions on football.

  • £20.00
    Amy Meek

    Such a lovely man, always had a smile on his face on a cold winter weekend watching the boys play football.

  • £30.00
    Adam Lawrence

    You were a lovely man who was very kind to me and will always appreciate the time we spent together smoking cigars and chatting football.

Events in memory

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