Leighton Nicholas Pitcher

Total raised


With Gift Aid: £100.00

Page created by
Louise Pitcher on 07/01/2024

Nick sadly passed away on the 10th November 2023 at his home in Aston Rowant. Nick had been ill for a while, but can now rest in peace with his parents and younger brother, James.

Nick never married, but had many good friends and neighbours throughout his life. Nick was fond of dogs and was often known to have one. The dog that I think most reminds me of Nick was a border collie full of beans called Bow.

Nick was the middle child of three boys, born in Windsor and lived in this part of the world throughout his life. Always a cheery chappie and happy to help - but known for his strong character!

Nick's loss will be felt in his community and family, and he will be greatly missed by all those who knew him well.


  • £50.00

    In memory of a loyal dear friend and caring godfather. We will miss you

  • £50.00

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