Peter Leonard

Total raised


Offline: £250.00
With Gift Aid: £574.05

Page created by
Jannette Lord on 15/01/2024

Peter worked for many years before his retirement as a postman in the City. Peter was an “old school, conscientious” person and “proud to be a postman”, who “did his job to the best of his ability”. He enjoyed his time as a post man and gave support to his colleagues and helped in the training of newly appointed colleagues.

Peter always was prepared to give that little bit extra to get the job done. He was the first to help customers and colleagues alike. He was always willing to put himself out for his customers and his friends and neighbours. Peter was also a regular blood donor and donated blood well over 50 times.

Peter's special contribution as a postman was recognised when he was given an award after 17 years of working for the Post Office. He was given the City and International District Excellence Award, which he is pictured with.

Before joining the Post Offiice, Peter completed a 5 year apprenticeship, qualifying as an instrument maker, making
Speed cameras for medical science and black boxes for many forms of transport.

Friends and colleagues of Peter were shocked to learn of his unexpected death on New Year's Eve of a heart problem. Peter was highly regarded by his friends and neighbours, who all said he would be greatly missed by them. They will miss his kind helpfulness and seeing him on his daily walks. Peter leaves behind his younger sister, Maxine.


  • A gift
    Iris Hector

    In loving memory of a dear friend who will be sadly missed, may he rest in peace.

  • £20.62
    Valerie Hughes

    In loving memory of Peter Leonard. You will be sorely missed.

  • A gift
    Naureen Ismail

    Peter - our lifelong next door neighbor and friend. I will miss our chats over the wall. Thank you for your support to mum over the years.

  • A gift
    Linda and Conrad

    Dear Peter. You shall surely be missed. It was a great pleasure knowing such a great gentleman.

  • A gift
    B B

    Great work

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