Sheila Woods

Total raised


Offline: £25.00
With Gift Aid: £1,880.04

Page created by
Rachel Hunt on 26/07/2024

Sheila was a wonderful lady who appeared fit and well. Unknown to us all, Sheila had severe atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries). We have set up this donations page in her memory supporting research into heart and circulatory issues.

Sheila was a wife, a mum, a mum-in-law, a grandma, a sister and a friend. She brought up two wonderful children. She thought the world of her daughter-in-law and son-in-law and delighted in spending time with her grandsons. She was a great friend to so many, a brilliant listener and counsellor too. She respected and saw the good points in everyone that she had contact with. She brought affection, love, laughter and sage advice into many lives. As a friend said recently, you would often come away from a conversation with Sheila with a warm feeling and at the same time realise that you had been very gently coached.A caring and practical, full of common sense lady. She was clever and perceptive and full of wisdom with an - aways gentle - humour. She led without wanting to be a leader. She cared and she shared. Her passing leaves a huge hole. We mourn but also smile at the many happy memories.


  • A gift
    Bilcock Family

    In memory of a most genuine lady, full of smiling warmth and wisdom.

  • £50.00
    Jane McFarland

    With love, and many special memories

  • £200.00
    Charles and Jenny Carter

  • A gift

  • £50.00
    Sarah Astell

    Remembering Sheila, with affection. She will be missed by us all.

Events in memory

There are no events set up yet
