Bob Crow

Total raised


Offline: £6,597.97
With Gift Aid: £38,117.15

Page created by
Natasha Hoarau on 19/03/2014

How would you describe them?

A soul mate, loving dad, amazing granddad, baby brother, uncle, friend and comrade. Always full of life, living every day to the fullest.

Thank you for visiting our Gift of Hope tribute fund for Bob.

This special fund will help raise vital funds for the British Heart Foundation. The BHF is the nation's heart charity, dedicated to saving lives through pioneering research, patient care and by providing vital information. It would be amazing if we could raise lots of money to help them continue their essential work. If you are a UK taxpayer you can add 25% to your donation at no extra cost to you by simply ticking the Gift Aid box when you donate.

Thank you again.


  • £10.00

    RIP Bob.

  • £20.00

  • £50.00
    Mr David Brown

    Hexham Rail Branch was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Bob Crow. His leadership made the RMT union a force to be reckoned with when many other unions were struggling to be heard. In a time where unions were under pressure and shrinking the RMT grew under his leadership. He was a man of principle and pragmatism and always ready to fight injustice. Because of him many lives were improved. He will be badly missed and a hard act to follow.

  • £50.00
    Mr Michael Coulston

    Bob was a great union leader and a great bloke. He didn't cultivate a relationship with politicians so that he could throw crumbs to the members; he asked the members what they wanted and fought for it.

  • £5.00

    RIP Bob. Saw you speak once only and it was inspirational. We will not rest..... My thoughts are with your family and friends.

Events in memory

Always having a bloody good time!


Soul mate